The 10 trips pass in the metro costs 12. We regret to inform you of alterations in the operation of escalators and / or lifts: From entrance Bulevar de Castellana to lobby Centro Comercial-Renfe. plano_metro_madrid_01122018_baja.png. Madrid metro map | Timetable | Ticket prices | All subway lines | Tourist map | Madrid weather, © Plano Metro Madrid punto ORG, 2012-2021, We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Carte à télécharger en PDF ou à imprimer présentant toutes les stations de la 8. Pay the right fare/Tiket checked the EXIT, Out of service due to repair jobs. The underground is open to the public from 6.00 a.m. to 1.30 a.m. every day of the year, except for those accesses with special opening hours. L6 Line 6 Out of service due to repair jobs. Line 8 of the Madrid Metro. other information such as transfers to other lines or subway station, bus stops if you have, if they are adapted for people with wheelchairs or prams etc. L2 Line 2 Ligne 7: les trains ne marquent pas l'arrêt à la station Hospital de Henares, fermée pour travaux jusque fin 2020. Department of French language, culture and institutions for foreigners (DELCIFE) Maison des langues et des relations internationales (languages and international relations centre) +33 (0)1 82 69 48 70/+33 (0)1 82 69 48 70 69 . Les trains circulent de 06h00 à 13h30. Clicking on the name of the station, you can check on the official website more information about this metro. Ce titre de transport n’est valable qu’un voyage, et seulement le jour de l’achat de celui-ci. La ligne M-8 (Direction: Aeropuerto T4) est en service pendant les tous les jours. For pictograms used, see BSicon/Catalogue at Wikimedia Commons. There is another escalator in the same direction and location. Waiting for information. La ligne 8 du métro de Madrid (en espagnol : Línea 8 del metro de Madrid) est l'une des treize lignes du réseau métropolitain de Madrid, en Espagne. Originally this line was a small-profile line, but in 2002 it became a large rolling stock line. There is another escalator in the same direction and location. Thank you for visiting, we hope that our map of the Metro Line 8 of Madrid has been helpful to you. Waiting for information. Line 8 of the Madrid Metro opened between Mar de Cristal and Campo de las Naciones on 24 June 1998. Airport Express Metro On 21 May 2002, a 5.9 km stretch opened from Mar de Cristal towards Colombia ( L-9 ) and Nuevos Ministerios (transfer to L-6 , L-10 and Cercanías ). Includes link to Free printer friendly version of the map for your trip. In 2007 an intermediate station called Pinar del Rey opened between Colombia and Mar de Cristal, as did an extensio… M-8 (Metro de Madrid) Le premier arrêt de la ligne M-8 de métro est Nuevos Ministerios et le dernier arrêt est Aeropuerto T4. Attention: nous vous rappelons que le port du masque est obligatoire dans les transports en commun. Die vo… . 1. Die Linie 8 (span. Lijn 8 is een metrolijn in de Spaanse hoofdstad Madrid. Vous devrez prendre la ligne de métro 8 qui part de tous les terminaux de l'aéroport en direction du centre-ville de Madrid. Welcome to our web of the map of Madrid subway line 7 (or line L7). MÉTRO MADRID S/ 8000, LIGNE 8. We are examining the reasons for the stop. Originally this line was a small-profile line, but in 2002 it became a large rolling stock line. Téléchargez le Plan du métro de Madrid et découvrez l’un des réseaux de … From entrance Castellana to lobby Castellana. Welcome to our web of the map of Line 8 of the Madrid metro (line L8). From corridor leading from platforms on line 6 y on line 4 to platform on line 3 in the direction of Villaverde Alto Out of service due to renovation works. Vous avez 4 manières de vous rendre de Aéroport de Madrid (MAD) à Tribunal (métro de Madrid) (Station). Out of service due to repair jobs. Fería de Madrid, pabellones, pares Pabellones, pares The underground is open to the public from 6.00 a.m. to 1.30 a.m. every day of the year, except for those accesses with special opening hours. The last trains leave the terminal station at each end of every metro line at the indicated end time. All the mechanic escalators and/or lifts are working properly. We are examining the reasons for the stop. We are examining the reasons for the stop. La … Expected date of coming into service: 11-01-2021, From lobby to central platform. Line 8. Elle traverse la ville de son centre au nord-est. Download or print a PDF-version of the map showing all the stations on line 8. Basic information about data protection: Data processing controller : Transports de Barcelona, S. A., Ferrocarril Metropolità de Barcelona, S. A., y Projectes i Serveis de Mobilitat, S. A., Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona, S. L. and TMB Foundation (TMB). Informations supplémentaires: La ligne M-8 a 8 stations et la durée totale du trajet est d'environ 18 minutes. 2. Madrid Metro Line 8 is a metro (subway and underground). De lijn werd geopend op 24 juni 1998. From lobby to central platform. Expected date of coming into service: 11-01-2021, Out of service due to repair jobs. L10 Line 10 L1 Line 1 The route to the airport since the beginning of the line 8 takes 13/15 minuts to the T1-T2-T3 metro station (first stop at the airport), and takes 5 minutes more until the second metro station at the airport (the last stop), at the terminal 4. Next to the name of the station, we have added if you can make a transfer to other transport. Elle est constituée de 8 stations qui composent un parcours de 16,5 km entre Nuevos Ministerios et Aeropuerto T4, une des deux stations desservant l'aéroport Adolfo-Suárez de Madrid-Barajas. Pour le titre 10 voyages Metrobus, il faut compter 12,20€, valable dans le métro zone A et les bus EMT. de Logroño to lobby - Pour toutes les zones (A, B1, B2, B3), un titre à usage unique dit "combiné" vaut 3€. Identifiez-vous; Itinéraire; Horaires; Infos trafic; Départ Comments: Refer to schedule trains in the respective panels of information platform. From entrance Avda. La moins chère est en ligne 203 bus, ce qui coûte 1€. Ces dernières années, CAF a été le principal fournisseur de divers matériels roulants pour le métro de Madrid. There is another escalator in the same direction and location. Pour le titre de transport 10 voyages, il faut compter 18,30€. Nuevos Ministerios LR Line R In the map below are the stations of line 8, as of January 2021. We are examining the reasons for the stop. If you wish, you can also see the Madrid metro map complete, a page with all the lines together (but separate individually) or you can see other lines one by one: Line 1 | Line 2 | Line 3 | Line 4 | Line 5 (green) | Line 6 (Circular) | Line 7 | Line 8 | Line 9 | Line 10 | Line 11 | Line 12 (Metrosur) | Line R (Ramal) | Map. Until then, Line 8 – the pink one on the Madrid metro map – will be closed completely and will affect travellers who need to get to or from the stations Nuevos Ministerios, Colombia, Pinar del Rey, Mar de Cristal, Campo de las Naciones, Aeropuerto T1-T2-T3, Barajas, and Aeropuerto T-4. Buy the mobile version and support this free game! From lobby to platform in the direction of Nuevos Ministerios. Out of service. La série 8000 a été fabriquée par CAF pour la ligne 8 et MetroSur. [more information], Feria de Madrid (AKA Campo de las Naciones). Between metro stations "Aeropuerto T1 T2 T3" and "Aeropuerto T4" there is a metro station called "Barajas". If you find a bug or have a suggestion, please contact us. Pour le bien de tous, gardez vos distances ! Historia del Metro de Madrid-Cartografico 1940-1954.svg 589 × 685; 2.58 MB Expected date of coming into service: 30-01-2021, Go to Empresa Municipal de Transportes (EMT). The line uses 4-car versions of class 8000 trains. L12 Line 12 Madrid Metro Line 7. See the Paris metro map for line 8. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that youâve provided to them or that theyâve collected from your use of their services. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This is the list of all metro stations of line 8, that totals 8 stops. From entrance Terminales 1,2 and 3 to lobby. Welcome to our web of the map of Line 8 of the Madrid metro (line L8). Out of service. For information on using this template, refer to Wikipedia:Route diagram template. If we add the 3eur airport supplement for the metro we get 15 eur and you´ll get to nuevos ministerios in 38 mins. We are examining the reasons for the stop. From entrance Agustín de Betancourt to lobby Orense If you take the C1 cercanias train and then get the 10 metro pass we get 14.60 and it will take you 31 minutes. From platform on line 9 in the direction of Paco de Lucía to hallway of line 8 Sie führt von der Station Nuevos Ministerios im Stadtzentrum bis zur Station Aeropuerto T4 (Flughafen-Terminal 4), ist 16,4 Kilometer lang und besitzt acht Stationen. There is another escalator in the same direction and location. L3 Line 3 Cette ligne 8 est une des lignes la plus longue du réseau, avec ses 38 stations et ses 23.3 km de voies. There is another lift in the same location L8 Line 8 On December 24, the metro service ends at 11 p.m. And, on December 31, at 01.00 a.m. An extension to Barajas via Madrid Airport was opened in 1999 and in 2002 an extension to Nuevos Ministerios and Colombia opened. From lobby to platform on line 4 Aeropuerto T-4 Metro ligne 8 > Créteil-Université +33 (0)1 82 69 48 56 . Métro de Paris Ligne 8 La Ligne 8 du métro de Paris relie la station Balard au Sud-ouest de Paris à la station Pointe du Lac au Sud-est en passant par le Nord de Paris. - Pour la … - Pour la zone A (centre), il faut compter entre 1,50€ et 2€ pour un titre à usage unique. From lobby to entrance Paseo de la Castellana pares to lobby Castellana From lobby to platform in the direction of Aeropuerto T4. Da die Linie von Anfang an als Schnellverbindung zwischen dem Stadtzentrum und dem Messezentrum Feria de Madrid sowie dem Flughafen Madrid-Barajas geplant wurde, ist der durchschnittliche Stationsabstand rund dreimal so groß wie bei den übrigen Linien. L'aéroport est dans la zone A du métro. Prêt à partir? Out of service. L9 Line 9 There is another escalator in the same direction and location. Out of service. Les rames ont été livrées entre 2001 et 2003. Il existe actuellement douze lignes de métro, trois lignes de tramway (Metro lig… Línea 8, kurz L-8) ist eine U-Bahn-Linie der Metro Madrid. Out of service. L5 Line 5 All lines together. Le réseau de Madrid atteint les 296 kilomètres de longueur, il est le septième réseau le plus grand au monde derrière Londres, New York, Shanghaï, Tokyo, Moscou et Séoul. The project is located in Madrid, Chamartín and Hortaleza, Madrid, Madrid, Spain, Europe. Lignes 1 et 5: les trains ne marquent pas l'arrêt à la station de Gran Vía, fermée pour cause de travaux de rénovation. Until further notice, the Barcelona metro service operates from 05:00 to midnight from Monday to Sunday. Paris Metro Simulateur Subway Simulator. Media in category "Madrid Metro Line 4" The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total. Nueva publicidad en la línea 8 de metro de madrid entre las estaciones de colombia y nuevos ministerios. An extension to Barajas via Madrid Airport was opened in 1999 and in 2002 an extension to Nuevos Ministerios and Colombia opened. Out of service. Line 8 (Madrid Metro). From lobby Renfe to entrances Centro Comercial and Renfe The line uses 4-car versions of class 8000 trains. Lijn 8 is een metrolijn in de Spaanse hoofdstad Madrid.De lijn werd geopend op 24 juni 1998.Metrolijn 8 telt zelf acht stations en heeft een lengte van 16.5 kilometer Stations There is another lift in the same location Metrolijn 8 telt zelf acht stations en heeft een lengte van 16.5 kilometer This is a route-map template for the Line 8 (Madrid Metro), a rapid transit line in Europe. or 8 Line may refer to: 8 (New York City Subway service) Barcelona Metro line 8, part of the Barcelona Metro network Mexico City Metro Line 8, rapid transit line in Mexico City Line 8, Beijing Subway, subway line in Beijing, China Line 8 (Madrid… Out of service. Madrid metro map online map showing the lines and metro stops for the Madrid metro (subway, underground, tube system) in Spain. We are examining the reasons for the stop. Consultez le plan de la ligne 8 du métro parisien. Out of service. Line 8 of the Madrid Metro opened between Mar de Cristal and Campo de las Naciones on 24 June 1998. Expected date of coming into service: 30-01-2021. L7 Line 7 Les trains sont constitués de deux voitures motrices et d'une remorque. Le métro de Madrid possède 13 lignes de métro conventionnel comptant 301 stations, ainsi que 3 lignes de métro léger, une sorte de tramway qui relie les zones périphériques de la ville.. . Waiting for information. Out of service. L11 Line 11 Line 8 of the Madrid Metro opened between Mar de Cristal and Campo de las Naciones (now Feria de Madrid) on 24 June 1998. L4 Line 4 We are examining the reasons for the stop. Le système de métro est bon marché, rapide et efficace, et un excellent choix de transport si vous n'avez pas trop de bagages. We are examining the reasons for the stop. We are examining the reasons for the stop.
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