from Pinturas Jumi. La última creación de Valpaint nos demuestra, que se puede conseguir un increible acabado en oxidos con particulas oros o platas, con la sencillez de aplicación habitual de la marca. Модерните комбинации от ефекти в интериора променят възприятията и галят сетивата ви. Valpaint International | Valpaint is a leading Italian Company in the decorative paints and coatings market. Magic Light. Bienvenue dans la page officielle "Valpaint Tunisie". How should you paint the walls of your holiday home? Wood, glass, light alloys and painted iron. The decorated surfaces capture the precious forged metal fragments incorporated in the paint, enhancing its gold, silver and oxidised effects. +39 071 906383 (r.a.) - Fax +39 071 906384 - E-mail: AZIENDA CERTIFICATA ISO 9001:2008 ED ISO 14001:2004 Očaravajuća boja koja na zidu daje prelijepe nepravilne efekte. : +387 33 761 115 Se puede aplicar a diferentes superficies, KLONDIKE LIGHT permite realizar hábitats muy actuales con performance de colores y matices únicos. Search all products and retailers of VALPAINT: discover prices, catalogues, and novelties Decorative paints: find out how to “dress up” your home with VALPAINT, Textured and traditional paint: the meeting of METEORE 8 and VALPAINT WATER-DILUTABLE ENAMEL, Special interior paints: the beauty of Matt Valpaint top coats, Distinctive paints: decorative wall effects with an unexpected twist, Modern paints for interiors: how to “dress” the walls of your home, Paints for exterior use: which should I choose? Efekt VINTAGE. Valpaint Nederland/Belgie, Huizen. Via dell’Industria, 80 - 60020 POLVERIGI (AN) ITALY Tel. Anti-bacterial paint: ADDITIVO SANIFICANTE VH2020 by VALPAINT . KLONDIKE LIGHT permet de réaliser des habitations extrêmement actuelles avec des performances de couleurs et des nuances absolument uniques. METEORE 10 MARMORIZZATO je prirodni materijal na vodenoj osnovi za interijere, posebno osmisljen za dobijanje izgleda efekta mramora. : +387 33 761 116 Fax. Subscribe. CHARACTERISTICS: To create the colours displayed in the catalogue, carefully mix KLONDIKE with the exact quantity of COLORI’ colouring paste required: 15 ml for 2.5 litres of KLONDIKE, or 6 ml for 1 litre of KLONDIKE. KLONDIKE is a high-quality product as it is breathable, washable and may also be painted over with any other water-based pain Old walls. +39 071 906383 (r.a.) - Fax +39 071 906384 C.F./P.IVA/ R.I. di AN 01108220425 Capitale Sociale € 500.000,00 i.v. 8 years ago. VALPAINT DESIGN,Sarajevo,BiH,Dekorativni materijali ,Uređenje interijera. 8 years ago. Kontaktirati nas možete putem naše BESPLATNE kontakt forme ukoliko imate pitanja, na koja odgovaramo u najkraćem mogućem roku. 21/07/2020. Meteore 10 Cemento. When the fixative is completely dry, apply a coat of PRIMER 900 and, after 6 hours at 20°C, proceed with the application of New walls. Klondike es una pintura al agua para interior y … Remove all grease from the surface and sand well, so that it is smooth and clean. Valpaint Klondike Light. Intro ONLINE SHOP DEKORATIVNE BOJE NASLOVNA KLASIČNE BOJE JUNGLE REALIZACIJE KONTAKT GALERIJA MOODBOARD 2016 VALPAINT THE LATEST TREND MADE OF STYLE . KLONDIKE VALPAINT - OLD - Official Video. 2 d. vind-ik-leuks. KLONDIKE can be applied to a wide range of surfaces; thanks to its unique colours and shades, it may be used to create extremely on-trend living environments. Efekt PIJESKA. Alternatively, the VALCONE paint-mixing system may be used to achieve the desired colour. Klondike Ferro. When this is completely dry, apply a coat of PRIMER 900 and, after 6 hours at 20°C, proceed with the application of KLONDIKE. 9 personen praten hierover. Stay in touch and keep up to date on VALPAINT’s activities. Valpaint Nederland verkoopt exclusieve decoratieve wandafwerkingen. Klondike Corten A coating for exteriors and interiors characterised by the Corten effect, which precisely reproduces the wellknown original rust effect with its distinct metal oxidations. Discover our products. Find out about the latest ideas and trends on our blog! Clean (and if necessary, fill) the surface you wish to paint. Visualizza altre idee su Decorazioni, Progettazione camera da letto matrimoniale, Interni camera da letto. Meteore 10 ... Star. Remove all grease and any layers of rust from the surface and apply one coat (or more) of a suitable anti-rust treatment. Valpaint Nederland verkoopt exclusieve decoratieve wandafwerkingen. After 6 hours at 20°C, proceed with the application of KLONDIKE. 1)... *Prices are pre-tax. What are the right colours for the walls in your home? E-mail: VALSETIN Technical Sheet NAME: TYPE: USE CARACHTERISTICS: VALSETIN Paint for indoor with silk and luminous effects water-based interior coating. 1.086 + 30 gr/LT. Ul. Via dell'lndustria, 80 ■ 60020 POLVERIGI (AN) ITALY E-mail: • Technical Sheet paints with antique metallic effects water-based interior coating specific weight: aesthetic effect: roughness, surface absorption and application colours from the catalogue it is a typically modern and elegant water-based paint for indoor use. 24 were here. Découvrez toute la simplicité d'application de KLONDIKE LIGHT . Klondike je visoko kakovosten izdelek, je pralen, odporen na drgnjenje in ga lahko prebarvamo z barvo na vodni osnovi. Na razpolago je v 48 barvnih niansah. New iron (not treated). Dekorisane površine sastoje se od lepih, kovano metalnih komadića, povezanih bojom pa istovremeno oduševljavaju svojim zlatnim, srebrnim i oksidnim efektima. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. 1. Try to inspire you with our colours and our original JUNGLE coat! VALPAINT S.p.A. VALPAINT. Remove old non-adhering and peeling paint and wash using water and a suitable soap product. Apply a coat of primer which is suited to that particular type of surface, then apply a coat of PRIMER 900. This achieves the perfect result: rooms are framed by metallic walls and become truly contemporary spaces. Video applicazione Klondike. Page: 1/2. Klondike je boja na vodenoj bazi namenjena za unutrašnju i spoljašnju upotrebu, modernog i rafiniranog izgleda. Valpaint 'Klondike light' is een moderne coating voor binnenshuis. Een goede ambassadeur van Valpaint heeft een mooie wand afgewerkt met Klondike!! 283 71000 Sarajevo Bosna i Hercegovina. -, Search among 354,061 architecture and design products, All VALPAINT catalogs and technical brochures. KLONDIKE LIGHT KLONDIKE LIGHT KLONDIKE LIGHT KLONDIKE LIGHT S.p.A. VALPAINT S.p.A. Prices are indicative only and may vary by country, with changes to the cost of raw materials and exchange rates. Discover the paints for exterior use by VALPAINT. Efekt CEMENT. KLONDIKE CORTEN TOP, with the difference that the latter is more breathable and washable and also features the lotus effect, meaning that raindrops slide off the painted surface while taking away most of the dust in the process. VALPAINT OFFICE SARAJEVO. E-mail: E-mail: Zone Industrielle Zaghouan E-mail: CEMENTO. di AN 01108220425 - Privacy Policy - Cookie Policy. Cement-effect wall paint: how to create interior-design solutions with an industrial style. Valpaint is a leading Italian company in the decorative paints and coatings market. Consult VALPAINT's KLONDIKE brochure on ArchiExpo. Džemala Bijedića br. 2019 VALPAINT S.p.A. - Via dell'industria, 80 - 60020 Polverigi (AN) - ITALY - C.F./P.IVA/R.I. To create the Gold or Silver effects, you will have to add GOLD ADDITIVE G 100 or SILVER ADDITIVE G 200 to the coloured KLONDIKE product, in the following quantities: 250 ml for 2.5 litres of KLONDIKE, or 100 ml for 1 litre of KLONDIKE. Peinture intérieur particulièrement moderne et raffinée. When the fixative is completely dry, apply a coat of PRIMER 900 and, after 6 hours at 20°C, proceed with the application of KLONDIKE. Nice#art#interior! - • - APPLICATION CYCLE: To create the colours displayed in the catalogue, carefully mix KLONDIKE with the exact quantity of COLORI' colouring paste required: 15 ml for 2.5 litres of KLONDIKE, or 6 ml for 1 litre of KLONDIKE. from Pinturas Jumi. VALPAINT V55 MATT and V88 SATINÈ water-dilutable enamel. Next, apply a fixative suited to the type of surface. Meteore 10 je pogodan za sve ambijente, dajući poseban dodir elegancije te istovremeno pruzajuci dekoriranim prostorima veliki vizualni ucinak. Subscribe. Mavericks. Efekt SATEN. Meteore 10 Intonaco. Download the catalogue and request prices of Klondike light By valpaint, decorative painting finish, professional Collection KLONDIKE je boja na bazi vode namijenjena za unutrašnju i vanjsku upotrebu modernog i rafiniranog izgleda. Via dell’Industria, 80 - 60020 POLVERIGI (AN) ITALY - Tel. Način nanosa: Klondike nanašamo s … Search among 375,297 architecture and design products; Search amongst our 93,234 catalogs 261K likes. Tel. 13-giu-2017 - A selection of our rooms, wall with our colours, coatings and paints. Velidor fine . They exclude delivery charges and customs duties and do not include additional charges for installation or activation options. Welcome to our Official International page. FEATURES: To obtain the catalogue colours it is necessary to colour PRIMER 1200 or KLONDIKE RASANTE R7 and KLONDIKE The result is a spectacular decorative effect with appealing and refined design solutions. Always safeguarding the environment and human health. 06/07/2020. Door de subtiele metallic deeltjes in de coating geeft het een zijdezachte gouden of zilveren glans. © 2021 All rights reserved VALPAINT, Polverigi, Italy. Once it is dry, sand the surface and apply a coat of suitable fixative. Muren komen met deze wandafwerking tot leven! Stay in touch and keep up to date on VALPAINT’s activities. VALPAINT V55 MATT and V88 SATINÈ water-dilutable enamel, Anti-bacterial paint: ADDITIVO SANIFICANTE VH2020 by VALPAINT, Cement-effect wall paint: how to create interior-design solutions with an industrial style. Декоративни мазилки Valpaint са впечатляващи и авангардни, носещи европейския дух. Bewaard door RESPECT Timmerwerk & Schilderwerk. VALPAINT App . MAVERICKS je boja na bazi vode za interijere sa specifičnim svjetlosnim pješčanim odsjajima. Klondike Corten. Valpaint Klondike. Saved by Mohammad Shawa How do you give your wall an original look? VALPAINT offers you a new way of decorating surfaces with unique visual and tactile sensations. Uz mogućnost nanošenja na različite podloge KLONDIKE omogućava dekoraciju životnih prostora sa unikatnim tonovima i preljevima. Valsetin. Es una pintura al agua para interiores típicamente moderna y refinada. KLONDIKE is a high-quality product as it is breathable, washable and may also be painted over with any other water-based paint. Klondike Light. Valrenna. Valsetin 2.
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