Info ⢠Routes ⢠Places of interest. A regiment’s voltigeurs were normally the élite soldiers of their unit, in company with their heavy infantry colleagues of the grenadiers. Meanwhile Winzengerode, with 10,000 cavalry and Kleist Prussian corps would move around the French northern flank and attack them from the rear. Yet the remarkable fact is that the Second Guard Voltigeur Division had been in existence for little more than a month when it first underwent the ordeal of battle. Thereafter the Emperor himself arrived at Berry–au–Bac at 4.00 p.m. on the afternoon of the 6th March and upon being informed that the enemy had been seen on the heights of Craonne he immediately ordered a reconnaissance of the position. General Nicholas–Joseph Masion. Balade en compagnie de deux guides de l'ONF sur le circuit Saint Victor qui traverse la forêt domaniale de Vauclair. The coalition forces confronting Napoleon were considerable (Russia, Austria, Prussia, England, Spain, Portugal and Sweden, together with the minor German states who were now throwing off the Napoleonic yoke) but, in the northern theatre of operations, did not have a unified and coordinated command structure under a single strong willed military leader. The cavalry divisions under Exelmans and Colbert, under the overall command of General of Division Etienne–Marie–Antoine Champion de Nansouty, would move to turn the Russian right flank on the plateau near the village of Vassogne. His brother–in–law, former Marshal and now King of Naples, Joachim Murat had gone over to the Allies, Antwerp was cut off, Brussels had been taken and at Chatillion, where his Foreign Minister Armand Caulaincourt was still attempting to obtain a good deal for his master at a peace conference, it had been decided to offer the French Emperor only the original pre 1789 borders of France and not her “natural boundaries.”16 Nevertheless, despite these bad tidings, the astute general took over from the ermine cushioned monarch, and Napoleon conceived a plan which almost turned the tables. Découvrez les prochains Sortez ! Tsar Alexander was so overjoyed by the result that he sent personal messages to Blûcher and Sacken congratulating them on a great victory. Berlin, 1903 – 9. [, Quoted in, Maycock. kota-kota dan desa-desa terdekat : Craonnelle, Oulches-la-Vallée-Foulon dan Bouconville-Vauclair. Adress Craonne: 13 Route de Craonnelle 02160 CRAONNE France: Telefon Craonne: 03 23 22 47 84 Internationell: +33 3 23 22 47 84: Fax Craonne: 03 23 22 47 84 Internationell: +33 3 23 22 47 84: E-post Craonne: Webbplats Craonne: Ej tillgänglig: Annan information: Craonne : Födelseattest Craonne, Dödsattest Craonne Storming into the wood they cleared out the defenders with ease, finally linking up with Nansouty’s cavalry, both now moving to attack the Russian right flank.50. Mémoires du Chemin des Dames - Craonne et le Plateau de Californie . When Napoleon swung his weight against the advancing army the one that was withdrawing would press on towards Paris. Thus the division was stuck out on its own like the proverbial “sore thumb.”, There are a number of telling comments in the sources which describe what happened next. True, his well conceived offensive plan had ended in failure, but he had not suffered the crushing defeat that would have led to his capitulation. Laferriére crashed to the ground, his leg taken off by a shell while the now badly mixed up squadrons milled around the Russian cannons, slashing and stabbing the gun crews, many of whom had taken refuge beneath their guns. Around Düsseldorf with approximately 15,000 men. Craonne est un petit village français situé dans le département de l'Aisne et la région des Hauts-de-France (anciennement région Picardie). It had been conceived by Napoleon only on 6th February 1814, while over three–quarters of its men were still complete civilians. The Final Battles of the First Napoleonic Empire, Reprint Oakpast Ltd,, UK, 2008, Napoleon at Bay, 1814. On the 15th of November another 150,000 men were called up from the classes of 1803–1814, and four days later he summoned a further 40,000 from the classes of 1808–1814. South of Strasburg with 13,000 men. Blücher, now united with Sackens corps, had around 26,000 men and finally halted south of La Rothier aligning them on the high ground in front of the village of Trannes. 2 vols. The Final Battles of the Napoleonic First Empire, page 90. F.W.O., Invasion of France 1814. However, Blücher’s attempt to pull his army together proved too late, Napoleon had already positioned himself between the Army of Silesia’s scattered corps.18, Having shattered Olsufiev, Napoleon now turned to deal with Yorck and Sacken. Il y a 1 jour - Liste complète des Accrobranche à proximité de Craonne et dans les communes de Aisne sur Le Petit Moutard. The description of Sacken the day after the battle is from Bernhardi,Denkwürdigkeiten, vol. James, Napoleon, The Last Campaigns, 1813 – 1815, page 91. Unfortunately although the allies were indeed poised to strike across the Rhine, their troops were in much need of rest and reorganisation before continuing the struggle. F.W.O., Invasion of France 1814. Description : Situé dans la forêt domaniale de Vauclair, le réseau de tranchées de Craonne est fossilisé par les. Vérifiez la carte et calculez l'itinéraire entre les deux villes. Not Now. This plan allowed for a slow but careful march on the French capital without becoming too bogged down in administrative complications. The Abbey of Vauclerc and the village of Ailles situated in the valley north of the plateau were also occupied by Russian light troops who were ordered to contain the enemy for as long as possible before falling back up the slopes to their main position. On the frosty morning of 17th February Napoleon struck, driving back Wittgenstein’s troops in total confusion and causing a panic which spread though the whole of Schwazenberg’s army, sending it tumbling back as fast as it could travel towards Troyes and Bar–sur–Aube. Carte de randonnée IGN n°2711 ET Craonne. Finally feeling able to continue his advance, much to the relief of Tsar Alexander, on 11th February the Army of Bohemia started to move, although meeting with some stiff resistance from Victor and Oudinot’s weak forces who fell back to the River Yeres. [, Houssaye. Complètement dévasté par les combats de 1914-1918, le village de Craonne n'a pas été reconstruit sur son emplacement initial. RouteYou » Places of interest » Arboretum of Craonne » Overview of all routes Day 6 of Western Front Way Ride | Recreational cycle route | 128 km | EN. Le terrain vallonné rappelle encore actuellement l'extrême violence des combats. Here, on the morning of 14th February, the old Field Marshal ran head–on into Napoleon’s main force. 36 cannon were sighted in front of the Russian main position with others covering the approaches to the plateau on both sides, plus 30 held in reserve, a total of 96 guns. What was much more striking, however, was the near–symmetry of the result. [, Petre. For a virtual tour of the battlefield, starting at the observation tower on the Californian Plateau, see this page. From Old French forest, from Medieval Latin forestis. Having held Napoleon in check, Sacken realised that to continue the fight would result in the possible annihilation of his entire force, and during the evening and night he skilfully withdrew his corps, together with most of its artillery and baggage along the mud clogged road back towards the Marne River at Château Thierry. Despite being harried persistently by the numerous French cavalry, and although losing over a third of his force, Blücher managed to get way without total ruin, nevertheless, during five days of fighting his army had suffered a series of defeats which had cost over 17,000 men and several pieces of artillery and it was only due to the discipline of his troops and their devotion to him personally, that Blücher managed to keep it together. In early November 1813 Napoleon Bonaparte with a force of around 80,000 worn and battle weary men, many of whom were already suffering from the early stages typhus, were staggering back to the Rhine River. Around Mainz with 15,000 men. The extract is taken from RGVIA, Fond 846, Opis 16, Delo 3399, fos. - Miasto i miasteczko na Åwiecie This gave Blücher some 80,000 men on the field, with a further 30,000 closing in. [, Petre. Boyer de Rébéval was instructed to advance up the road from the Abbey of Vauclerc, which was now full of … The death toll was appalling considering the number of troops actually engaged, ‘…around 5,000 killed and wounded from each side out of approximately 21,000 men engaged on both sides. the town occupies the sumit, and even now [1912] there remains much of the old walls which once made it a very strong fortress. Arboretum de Craonne Complètement dévasté par les combats de 1914-1918, le village de Craonne n'a pas été reconstruit sur son emplacement initial. Paysage dévasté du Chemin des Dames, en lieu et place de la forêt des cratères provoqués par les obus Craonne est le lieu de terribles combats à partir du 16 avril 1917 : … Here they began to smother the Russian position with a hail of metal. The remainder of the army, Marshal Mortier’s Young and Middle Guard Divisions, were gathered around Berry–au–Bac ready to assist where required.Marshal Marmont’s corps, which was quite some distance away, was to move quickly to join the rest of the army. Now a thaw had set in turning the roads into ankle deep mud trails and the fields into bogs. Situé à 32 km de Craonne. [, From the manifesto produced by Baron Fain, Manuscript de Mil Huit Cent Quatorze. Cette forêt a été marquée par le conflit de la Grande Guerre. [, Leggiere. In the vicinity of the junction of the Moselle and Rhine rivers with some 5,000 men. This, plus his own dilatoriness and over caution, all helped to make any clear and fluid progress to the campaign hard to maintain. These troops under General of Division Claude–Marie Meunier came pushing through the frozen marshy ground in the Corbeny wood, driving the Russian defenders of the Abbey of Vaucler back up the steep hillside to the farm of Heurtebise. Its fields and woods had been unlucky enough to be struck by the lightning bolts of battle twice in just over one hundred years, first in 1814 and again, with devastating effect, in 1917. Soon thick clouds of smoke began to billow across the landscape, the cold and windless temperature causing it to disperse only slowly. [, Petre. With what remained of Ney’s formations still in a condition to fight once more up on the plateau, the Emperor ordered all of the reserve artillery, together with the still serviceable cannon of Victor’s corps, to join Drouot’s Guard artillery. Realising that he was outnumbered and having very few cavalry, Blücher ordered an immediate retreat to Etoges, keeping his artillery on the road while his infantry, forming squares, retired back across the fields on either side. Hôtel Dieu, Place du Parvis Gautier de Mortagne 02000 Laon - France 03 23 20 28 62 En savoir plus. Blücher’s losses amounted about 4,000 and he fell back east through the village of La Rothiere pursued by the French. This premature meant that Marshal Victor’s troops were still not properly concentrated for the assault on the Russian centre, the slippery condition of the roads slowing down the movements of troops and guns.46 Now, as they began to arrive, instead of mounting an attack on the Russian central gun line, Victor was forced to send Boyer de Rébéval division to assist Meunier’s troops over on the right, who had lost heavily and were on the point of falling back. 27, Paris, 1869, no. Petre had visited the battlefield as a guest of the French army in 1912 and took part in divisional manoeuvres around the area of Soissons, Laon and Berry–au–Bac. She later married another soldier, Sergeant Alexander Gibeau, who gave the boy his name. Taking stock of the situation (as he saw it) Napoleon settled on a plan that would destroy Blücher’s army or at least push him back northward while he marched on Chalons from where he anticipated collecting the garrisons of the various fortresses in the Rhine province, thus increasing his army by several thousand men. Napoleon was beset by a plethora of bad news pouring in regarding events taking place elsewhere. [, Lawson. January 2 at 5:37 AM. Retrouvez les notes et avis des parents, des photos et descriptifs de ces Accrobranche ainsi que toutes les coordonnées. Napoleon, with less than 50,000 men, had taken up a position watching Blücher with his centre at La Rothiere, his right flank anchored on the River Aube at the village of Dienville, and his left flank spread out in a straggling line running through La Rothiere in the centre to the village of Giberie, the whole French front extending over 9 kilometres. Napoleon had ordered all of the troops under his immediate command to concentrate at Berry–au–Bac, and called back Mortier and Marmont, who had attempted and failed to take Soission, to conform to the movement. …Here it will be convenient to describe the country in the triangle Soissons, Laon, Berry–au–Bac which was to form the theatre of operations during the next few days. General Louis Alexander Andrault Langeron would leave part of his corps guarding Soissons with the remainder falling back on Aizy, while Bülow’s corps would cover Laon. The Austrian field commander had to subordinate his art of war to Austrian politics, which did not want Napoleon annihilated, and Schwazenberg complied. It would therefore seem that, although a very thorough history of the campaign is given by Houssaye, he does tend to overlook Napoleon’s errors, or at least make excuses for him by pointing the figure at Moreau. Craonne : Miejsce Craonne : Kraj Francja, Region Hauts-de-France, Województwo Aisne. Informasi Tersedia : Alamat pos, Telepon, Faks, Surat elektronik, Walikota, Koordinat Geografis, Jumlah penduduk, Luas, Ketinggian, Cuaca dan Hotel. On New Year’s Day 1814 Blücher crossed the Rhine at Koblenz, Mannheim and Kaub, forcing Marshal Marmont with his 10,000 men to fall back, and on the 12th January he had blockaded the French fortress at Metz; also the detachments left to watch the fortresses of Thionville, Mainz and Luxemburg had reduced the effective fighting force of the Army of Silesia to 50,000 men. At 2.00 p.m. on the afternoon of the 29th January the French attack began but went in piecemeal owing to the state of the ground, which slowed down the movement of their cavalry and artillery. Des centaines d'idées de sorties et de visites proches de Craonne, sorties sportives, caves et dégustations, musées, balades, activités rien de manque. Where a 6 gun battery of Napoleonic artillery could probably kill or wound about 50-60 men with one volley at a very limited range, the guns of the Great War, 1914–1918, could kill in their hundreds from a mile or more distance. Craonne : Místo Craonne : ZemÄ Francie, Region Hauts-de-France, OddÄlení Aisne. Audio (Jersey) Noun . The allies were so carried away with their success that they failed to follow it up by an aggressive and rapid pursuit, and they certainly had enough troops available who had not been engaged in the battle to do this, but spent the day after the battle celebrating, with Blücher once again taking himself off deep into the wine cellars of the Brienne chateau, where the Tsar found him selecting the best bottles for his personal consumption.12. That he did so has led to one of the great debates surrounding this campaign and it is worthwhile considering the effects it had on the battle of Caronne, and indeed if the battle would have been fought at all given different circumstances? Un territoire majestueux propice à la randonnée. Sacken was a hard bitten old campaigner and ‘politician.’ The day after the battle, finally tracked down by his nervous and exhausted staff, who had lost him in the course of the retreat, he was as calm and self assured as always. I, pp 268 – 270. The problem was that with very few good lateral side road connections in this part of the country the concentration of his forces would prove slow and thus vulnerable to a sudden attack.26. [, Lawford. With all of the above in agreement regarding the question of holding Soissons, then the French historian, Henry Houssaye (1848–1911) would seem to be in the minority when he states: The Emperor’s anger was natural;37 he himself said that the capitulation of Soissons saved Blücher from disaster. View south across west end of the plateau showing the width of the plateau. Forgot account? Keeping their troops well in hand the two marshals retreated with great skill and crossed the River Marne at Trilport, thence they fell back towards Meaux, only 34 kilometres from Paris. Calculez la distance entre Miramont-de-Guyenne et Craonne France. He relied on the ideas of his general–quartermaster, Langenau, a man who was just as erudite as he was an impractical adherent of the old school, for which the experience of the Napoleonic Wars were ignored, and which looked at a battle as only a crude, dire expedient, unworthy of any educated field commander. F. Loraine, Napoleon at Bay. 4i, p. 393. The final plan agreed upon was: That the Allied forces shall separate anew; that the Silesian army of Field–Marshal Blücher shall at once march from here to Chalons, unite there with the scattered divisions of General Yorck, von Kleist and Count Langeron, and press on along the Marne past Meaux to Paris, while the main army turns towards Troyes, and likewise presses on to Paris along both banks of the Seine.13. The Battle for Europe 1807 to 1814, page 500. Au sud de la forêt, à la demande de l'OTAN, a été construit en 1952 un immense camp américain de 800 ha, qui était comme une ville autonome dans la forêt. Watercolour by Simon Fort. Around Troyes with part of the Imperial Guard, plus other troops concentrating. In all there were about 30,000 troops available, but of these only the 16,000 infantry under Vorontsov’s and 2,000 cavalry under General Illarion Vasilievich Vasilchikov were heavily engaged. He could see the thick masses of Russian battalions covering the ground that dominated the Foulon valley, and further back he could discern still more enemy formations facing Ailles. [, Maycock. On the 9th February, by a rapid march, Napoleon arrived at Sezanne with 35,000 men, hovering menacingly on Blücher’s flank, the latter being totally unaware of his presence, while Schwazenberg was equally ignorant of the enemy’s intentions, still being under the impression that Napoleon was at Nogent and asking Blücher for reinforcements, which were duly dispatched. For his part the French emperor took up lodgings in Château Thierry, planning his next move and allowing his troops a brief rest period while the bridges over the Marne were repaired.22. Log In. Champ de bataille : réseau de tranchées Craonne - Plateau-de-Californie - isolé - Cadastre : 1940 A 91 à 102 B 130 à 135, 185, 378. Henry, Napoleon and the Campaign of 1814, page 137. Some, like Hastings, Bosworth and Culloden, are familiar to most of us. The Allied Invasion of France, 1813 – 1814, page 66 [, Maycock. Virtual Tour of the Battlefield of Neerwinden. The right of Vorontsov’s line, as far as the village of Vassonge, was covered by a few squadrons of cavalry bolstered by several battalions of infantry, some of the latter spread out in skirmishing order. James, Napoleon. North of Laon, and east of the Reims–Laon road, the country is practically level. It was at this stage of the battle (around 1.45 p.m.), having been informed of the mauling that Ney’s and Boyer de Rébéval’s troops were receiving over on the French right, Napoleon called for the cavalry of the Old Guard to restore the situation. In his turn Blücher switched his line of march back towards La Ferté–sour–Jouarre, constructing a pontoon bridge across the Marne there and then once again turned his columns towards Meaux. Distance entre Craonne (Hauts-de-France) et Roucy (Hauts-de-France) en voiture, vélo, à pieds ou en transports publics (bus, tram, metro, train). Cette carte vous permettra d'organiser vos ballades en forêt. Forêt de Vauclerc ist ein Wald in Hauts-de-France und hat eine Höhe von 140 Meter. Despite Napoleon’s bravado, writing to his brother Joseph that night from the Inn of the Guardian Angel, ‘I have beaten Winzingerode, Langeron, and Vorontozov’, the battle had been nothing more than a bloody stalemate. Maître(s) d'équipage: M. Belly de Bussy ( - ) Territoire: Forêt de Craonne: Historique: M. de Bussy chassait le sanglier en forêt de Craonne. ‘All this,’ he said, taking in the whole area of his view, ‘All this now peaceful landscape was changed beyond belief in just a few weeks only a year after I was born in 1916.’ His eyes filled with tears and his hands dropped to his side: ‘what men will do for some strange notions of honour, glory, power and personal gain? The horse grenadiers and chasseurs, led by Laferriére, came cantering across the plateau from the Craonne mill, past Heurtebise Farm, gathering speed until they hit the Russian gun line, leaving a trail of mangled men and horses in their wake. Cette carte vous permettra d'organiser vos ballades en forêt. The absence of Langeron and Bülow’s corps meant that there were insufficient troop’s available to cover these eventualities. En savoir plus sur Craonne. The allied victory at the battle of Leipzig (October 16th-19th) cost the allies some 52,000 casualties, the French well over 50,000, but to these must also be added a further 30,000 taken prisoner, as well as another 20,000 killed, wounded or captured during the retreat. L'été de la même année, le plateau de Californie, sur lequel est implanté le village demeure une zone très disputée. Le périmètre de visualisation des données est de 30 kilomètres et le nombre de massifs est volontairement limité à 40. The spurs on the north side are generally shorter than the south, and the slope is steeper to the valley of the [River] Lette, or Ailette, a stream which runs generally parallel to the Aisne to join the [River] Oise. Courriel/Email: : 1-866-895-5372 (450) 298-5372 . James, Napoleon, The Last Campaign, 1813 – 1815, page 91 [, Maycock. Blücher had been worried for some time by not seeing any signs of Winzingerode’s cavalry turning movement over on the French right, not knowing that because of the roughness of the terrain and the slippery roads, it had been caught up in an enormous traffic jam to the north–west of the Ailette River. Struck down twice already, he still held his head high, his voice was clipped and peremptory, his manner regal1. I herewith give a description of the battlefield taken from F. Loraine Petre’s work: “Napoleon at Bay. Quoted in, Lieven. The Last Campaigns of 1813 – 1815, page 91. [, Quoted in, Leggiere. Blûcher still remained sceptical concerning the enemy’s intentions, even writing that the brush with the enemy at St.Dezier only proved how weak and badly organised the French were and that they would constitute no threat to his lines of communications, even stating that, “if he [Napoleon] tries it, nevertheless, nothing more desirable can happen for us; then we shall get to Paris without a blow.”10 On the 29th January the scales fell from his eyes when he received captured dispatches which informed him of the French movement. View north at the west end of the plateau. Had he got closer, the Prussian might have lost some tail–feathers, but that would have been all; and had Blücher persuaded Bülow and Winzingrode to come south of the river, Napoleon might have found himself gravely outnumbered. Meanwhile Schwazenberg had set up his headquarters at Basle and was slowly and cautiously pushing his forces forward towards the Langres Plateau. Napoleon left Paris in the early hours of January 25th, arriving at Châlons on the morning of the 26th. Après la guerre, le village est classé en « zone rouge » le rendant alors inconstructible. Arboretum de craonne Arboretum de Craonne - Patrimoine naturel - Découvrir . One survivor claiming that they stood in line for three hours, but this is probably an exaggeration. Voici une carte représentant les différentes forêts autour de Craonne. With their sword arms tiring and their horses blown the guard cavalry were finally driven back by the concentrated volleys of the Russian massed battalions. @2019 Tous droits réservés La Foret de Freli After taking stock of the manpower situation with his usual disregard for the facts and ignoring the truth, on the 15th November he called for another 300,000 conscripts. Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "arboretum de craonne" is defined. He was not happy with the way Blücher, as was his wont, was attempting to dash forward without adequate security for his flanks, and wrote to his wife, ‘Without placing any considerable force to guard the road from Châlons to Nancy they [Blücher and his Chief–of–Staff, General August Wilhelm Anton Gneisenau] rush on like mad bulls to Brienne. Flaner Bouger agenda : JEP Journee Europeenne du Patrimoine Forêt de Vauclair. [, Griffith. Calcul itinéraire autoroute au départ de Craonne. Marshal Claude Victor, Duke of Bellune. Of course, one would expect the Emperor himself to pass–the–buck, always blaming others for his own mistakes. Some of them, Bruyéres for instance, are old fortified villages with some of the walls still standing [in 1912].40. Unfortunately no help arrived; a message from Yorck arrived informing Sacken that owing to the deplorable state of the roads only a small portion of his infantry (General Georg von Pirch II with 4,000 men) would be able to get close to the battlefield to aid the Russians. Despite the dubious morality of using violence to achieve personal or political aims. Pour zoomer et vous déplacer dans la carte utilisez les boutons à gauche de la carte. The Emperor orders that the Duke of Belluno [Victor] takes up a position as close as possible to St–Dizier across the St–Dizier–Vitry road with his right flank resting on the Marne [River]. @ Forêt de Vauclair à Craonne avec Le Parisien Etudiant et ne ratez aucune date de Sortez ! F.W.O., Invasion of France 1814. The Allied Invasion of France, 1813 – 1814, page 139 – 140. The Campaign of France 1814, page 119 – 121. PoÅ¡tanska adresa Craonne: 13 Route de Craonnelle 02160 CRAONNE France: Telefonski Craonne: 03 23 22 47 84 MeÄunarodni: +33 3 23 22 47 84: Fax Craonne: 03 23 22 47 84 MeÄunarodni: +33 3 23 22 47 84: e-poÅ¡ta Craonne: Website Craonne: Nije raspoloživo: Druge podatke: Craonne : Demografija Craonne. Favori. Although 18,000 troops under General Hans David Ludwig Yorck had been freed from the blockade of Metz by the withdrawal of Marmont’s French corps, and were marching to join him, Blücher realised that they were too far distant to be of any assistance in the forthcoming battle. North of the Lette are more hills of about the same elevation as those on the south, but forming a less distinct ridge. En souvenir, on implanta un arboretum sur les 7 hectares sinistrés. At the foot of the hill are several suburbs, of which the most important for our purpose are Semilly at the south–west corner, and Ardon to the south, the latter traversed by a marshy brook of the same name which flows to join the Lette beyond the road to Soissons some five or six miles [9.6 kilometres] south–west of Laon. Warfare is a fascinating subject. Their position ran north to south across the plateau, straggling the Chemin de Dames highway, about 5 kilometres west of the village of Craonne, which was held by several companies of Russian infantry. Based on map from Le terrain vallonné rappelle encore actuellement l'extrême violence des combats. Napoleon had done serious damage to three of the scattered detachments of the Army of Silesia, costing it over 5,000 casualties and making a serious dent in its morale. What he did not take into consideration was the panic caused by Winzingerode ruse to bombard Soissons into submission if the commander of the garrison, General Jean–Victor Moreau, did not surrender the town immediately.
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