But doing it this way is cool too as it has all those programatic advantages. In this article I am going to show you how to give a text blur effect to make it blurry. CSS Syntax. How to blur the background but not the text that sits on top of it, In order to blur a background and not the text that sits on top of it, You can use a [ code ]div[/code] and How can I blur a background photo in HTML and CSS? When I saw the first example that was all blur I was thinking, “Why would anyone want to do that?” but the latter examples have a really cool look! ; color indicates the color of the shadow. Although I don’t use them so I really don’t know. This tutorial discussed the basics of CSS filters and how to use the blur function to add a blur effect to an image on a web page. These techniques could be used for many practical aesthetics purposes. cool, that’s an interesting effect and easier than I had imagined. As usual around here, I’m going to lean on jQuery. …we now have the ability to get/set/animate individual parts of the text-shadow. There isn’t specific CSS properties for those things. Thems the basics. If you want the blur to have a color, you’ll need to add the background property with an rgba value. The CSS blur function allows you to create a blur for an image element on a web page. The shadow will make the text appear blurred. Then, set the color property to its “transparent” value and define the text-shadow property to give a shadow to the text. And in a few years when browser support is way better, who will be more comfortable working with these techniques? offset-x and offset-y indicate the shadow offset. The answer to this Question is the Pixels of the screen. This is awesome stuff! Such an intelligent idea! In order to blur a background and not the text that sits on top of it, You can use a [code ]div[/code] and give its [code ]opacity: 0.9[/code]. It extends jQuery to be able to handle individual parts of complex CSS properties like text-shadow, box-shadow, border-image, transform, etc. You can use them to blur, brighten or saturate images among other things. What a cool idea never thought of anything like that before, wish most browser could handle CSS3 by now. To gain support for earlier versions of Firefox, we need to apply an SVG filter: Saved as a file called blur.svg, our CSS changes to: I hope this article is going to be helpful for you. That’s dangerous though, because there are browsers that support color but not text shadow, so the end result would be totally invisible text. Thanks for the tutorial! The Aurora build of Firefox has animations and keyframes using the -moz prefix. They can’t possibly care about shadows. CSS filters are pretty powerful and incredibly easy to use. They can be … ; Set the height of the image with the height property, then specify the position of the image with the background-position property. As one would expect, works in Firefox but not in IE9. So here is the example. This comment thread is closed. Thanks! It’s a cool idea, I was thinking about experimenting with this when I saw the Doctype.tv episode about text shadows. Anyways, thanks for the tip! text-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur-radius color |none|initial|inherit; Note: To add more than one shadow to the text, add a comma-separated list of shadows. Stop trolling asshole! View Demo Download Files Play on CodePen. The blur () function is an inbuilt function which is used to apply a blurred effect filter on the image. Funny how much easier animating text-shadow is in CSS. (shudders). But as a small “honorable mention”, we used to play with a simple “CSS hack” to create blurred text in the past: Set an appropriate text-shadow. /* Add the blur effect */ filter: blur(8px); -webkit-filter: blur(8px); /* Full height */ height: 100%; /* Center and scale the image nicely */ background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: … Especially in this case where we wouldn’t want other tags screwing up the flow. Now we can call that animation on every single letter. 2 Notice we are using :nth-of-type here. But whenever I try to do animations I still work with jQuery because support for CSS3 animations is to crappy. To this point the blur effect will work in Chrome, Safari (mobile and desktop) and Firefox 35+. The larger the value, the more blurred your text will be. Of course, the solution is to feature detect and only apply this effect if you are in a browser that supports it: The color of the shadow is the only thing visible, so make sure it has enough contrast enough to be seen. I never thought of that! Fantastic tip! Guides Blog Projects Authors. Unfortunately, if you are required to support Internet Explorer, you have no choice but to use SVG filters as IE 10 and 11 support those but not CSS filters. Step 1 – IE Blur Filter. Get code examples like "how to blur background color in css" instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension. In that case, each letter must be enclosed in a , so that the blurred effect and font-size can be defined for each separately. In this post I discuss how to use the brightness() filter to create a generic button hover behavior and also briefly discuss the newish `backdrop-filter` property. Just make the color transparent and set a text-shadow. I used it to manipulate the logo. Now let’s do some fun stuff. If you want your text to look more or less blurry, you can change the blur radius value of the text-shadow property according to the size of your text. The first two
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