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right: -8px; position: relative; } {% endif %} Casque micro / gamer Turtle Beach Turtle beach casque gamer recon 70x pour xbox one (compatible ps4, ps4 pro, nintendo switch, appareil mobiles) - tbs-2555-02 67, 48€ État : neuf Turtle Beach Recon 70 Gaming Headset for PlayStation 5, PS4 Pro, PS4, Xbox One & Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, PC, and Mobile Turtle Beach 4.4 out of 5 stars 34,252 display: block; event && event.hitCallback && event.hitCallback() left: 0; } else { margin-bottom: 10px; Turtle Beach Gaming Headset Ear Force Recon 70N Switch is beschikbaar voor thuislevering of afhaling in de winkel. } Turtle Beach ® gaming headsets are built to help you stack up victories and get you battle royale-ready for games like Fortnite. content: url(//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2654/9158/t/9/assets/load-more.svg?v=1875195270166801007); [[ translations.sortBy ]] font-weight: bold; padding-top: 15px; color: black;
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{% assign btn_action = 'wk-remove-product' %} default: } }, 2000); } font-weight: 700; var select = Appmate.wk.$('form select[name="id"]'); The RECON 50P features Turtle Beach’s latest lightweight and comfortable design, with high-quality 40mm over-ear speakers that let you hear every crisp high and thundering low, plus convenient in-line controls that allow you to quickly and easily adjust Master Volume and Mic Mute. } hitType: 'event', @media (max-width: 814px) { .aa-dropdown-menu .aa-pages-header { color: [[ colors.main ]]; [[# _highlightResult.tags ]] box-sizing: border-box; font-size: 18px; width: 50px; */ margin-bottom: 22px; .aa-dropdown-menu .aa-page {
opacity: 0; } } position: relative; var shop = Appmate.wk.globals.shop; For those who want a Nintendo Switch headset without spending too much, this offering from Turtle Beach is one of the best. direction: rtl; win.addEventListener("load", win._boomrl, false); } padding-bottom: 40px; Ne manquez pas de découvrir toute l’étendue de notre offre à prix cassé. [[& translations.zenHeader ]] cursor: pointer; {% include 'wishlist-link' %} {% include 'wishlist-collection-product-price' %} .aa-dropdown-menu .aa-cursor { } } Shop for affordable casque-gamer. copyButton.html('copied'); sendTracking({ The TURTLE BEACH STEALTH 700 is the latest premium gaming headset for Xbox One, debuting Microsoft’s new Xbox Wireless technology and Windows Sonic surround sound, active noise-cancellation, Bluetooth connectivity plus a variety of additional features. background-image: url(); .aa-dropdown-menu .aa-product-text { category: product.type, .ais-page .ais-facet a:hover, 'click [data-wk-move-to-cart]': eventHandler(function(){ .ais-page .ais-search-header { hitCallback: function() { With the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), we are currently experiencing a high volume of support requests. border: 1px solid #000; .ais-page .ais-current-refined-values--link > div { text-decoration: none; • Casque de jeu Stealth 600 • Transmetteur USB sans fil • Câble de chargement USB • Guide de démarrage rapide • Autocollant Turtle Beach. display: none !important; enabled: true, {% unless wishlist.empty %} alt="{{ product.title }}" /> Indisponible Nintendo Switch - Casque-micro Pro NH5. link.addEventListener("error", function() { width: auto; font-size: 15px; .ais-page .ais-search-box--input, .ais-page .ais-range-slider--value { Profitez de nos promotions et faites vous livrer ou venez retirer vos courses rapidement dans votre magasin. display: none; name: product.title, width: 50%; } visibility: hidden; imageTitle: 'Turtle Beach® France', {% include 'wishlist-share-button-fb' %} Notre unique mission : aider les joueurs à s'exprimer au mieux, à tous les niveaux et au cours de chaque partie. text-align: center !important;
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